
Launch Event: Special Issue of Sociology

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 Launch Event:


Special Issue of Sociology,


'The Sociology of Human Rights'




On Friday 2 November the Study Group launched the Special Issue of the prestigious journal Sociology, entitled: 'the Sociology of Human Rights'.  The Special Issue was edited by four of the group's co-convenors (Dr. Patricia Hynes, Dr. Michele Lamb, Dr. Damien Short and Dr. Matthew Waites), with seminal contributions from a number of members and other outstanding scholars within the field.  The event was co-hosted with the Human Rights Consortium, at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, and featured three presentations of papers featured in the special issue, followed by a plenary discussion, question and answer session, and reception.

Details of the event were as follows:


******************************************************************************************************************** DATE: Friday 2 November 18.00 - 19.30
LOCATION: Room G22/26 (Ground floor) Senate House 
(South Block) Malet Street London WC1E 7HU


- Welcome by Chair – Dr. Damien Short, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Human Rights Consortium, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London
- Introduction to the Sociology of Human Rights and the Special Issue – Dr. Matthew Waites, Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow


Paper Presentations: 

  • Dr. Darren O’Byrne (Principal Lecturer in Human Rights, University of Roehampton) ‘On the Sociology of Human Rights: Theorising the Language-Structure of Rights’
  • Dr. Virginia Morrow, (Senior Research Officer) and Dr. Kirrily Pells, (Policy Officer, Young Lives, Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford) ‘Integrating Children’s Human Rights and Child Poverty Debates: Examples from Young Lives in Ethiopia and India’
  • Professor Chetan Bhatt, Director, Centre for the Study of Human Rights at the London School of Economics ‘Human Rights and the Transformations of War’

- Launch of study group website – Dr. Michele Lamb, Principal Lecturer in Human Rights, University of Roehampton and Dr. Hannah Miller, Senior Lecturer in International Politics and Human Rights, Kingston University

- Presentations will be followed by a plenary discussion, question and answer session and reception


Please send RSVPs and any questions to: HRC@sas.ac.uk



Contents of the Special Issue:



Sociology, Special Issue: the Sociology of Human Rights, Volume 46, Number 5, November 2012 (editors: Patricia Hynes, Michele Lamb, Damien Short, Matthew Waites)


The existing study group convenors edited the Special Issue of Sociology, on the Sociology of Human Rights.  The issue addresses human rights as a crucial theme for contemporary sociology globally. The concept of human rights has become pervasive. Whether endorsed or criticised, it poses a challenge to which sociology must respond. 




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