
Wiki Help

Page history last edited by Hannah Miller 12 years, 10 months ago

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Collaborative Platform:

Utilising the Editing Functions of this Wiki


The aim of this wiki is two-fold.  First, to provide an online presence for the study group.  And, second, to enable a collaborative platform to develop, where study group members can build and establish a virtual meeting point.  In view of this group members have editing rights over the wiki, and can consequently contribute to the construction and development of the wiki, its pages and its content.  Therefore, if you are a member and would like to know more about this editing function, please email: sociologyofrights@yahoo.com


Once you have gained access, here are some brief guidelines that will be of help.


About 'Wikis' (taken from Educause 7 things you should know about...Wikis)

"A wiki is a Web page that can be viewed and modified by anybody with a Web browser and access to the Internet. This means that any visitor to the wiki can change its content if they desire. While the potential for mischief exists, wikis can be surprisingly robust, open-ended, collaborative group sites.


Wikis permit asynchronous communication and group collabo- ration across the Internet. Variously described as a composition system, a discussion medium, a repository, a mail system, and a tool for collaboration, wikis provide users with both author and editor privileges; the overall organization of contributions can be edited as well as the content itself. Wikis are able to incorporate sounds, movies, and pictures; they may prove to be a simple tool to create multimedia presentations and simple digital stories.


According to The Wiki Way, “‘[O]pen editing’ has some profound and subtle effects on the wiki’s usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site...encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by nontechni- cal users.”2 Because the user interface is familiar—a Web page on a personal computer—barriers to modifying wiki pages are minimal. Plus, the results of the users’ actions on the content of the site are instantly visible to other users."

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A Quick Guide to using pbwiki


Below are some helpful links to get you started. 


Click here for the guide 


Help information provided by pbwiki


The PBwiki Manual and 30-second training videos can help show you how to edit, add videos and invite users.



Here are some helpful clips for building a wiki


What is a Wiki? 



How to use the Wiki?



Who's Doing it? 




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