
About the Group

Page history last edited by Hannah Miller 9 years, 10 months ago

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About the Group

(Quick link: Group membership | Study group convenors)


Formed in 2007

In 2007 a group of BSA members formed a new BSA Study Group to bring together people interested in promoting the sociological study of rights. The group formed for the purpose of embracing a wide range of rights based perspectives including for example: theories of rights, indigenous peoples, women's rights, social movements, transnational organisations, security and surveillance, conflict and divided societies, migration and environmental rights.  However, this list was certainly not exhaustive and as the membership of the group has grown, so has the fields of interest of its members!  At its core however remains the focus on the sociological study of human rights and rights related issues.


The aims of the group are:


These aims continue to drive the study group and the sociology of rights continues to be promoted through workshopsconferences and publications.  


Study Group Convenors

The study group currently has 5 convenors.  They are as follows:


  • Michele Lamb (Roehampton University) 
  • Damien Short (Institute of Commonwealth Studies) 
  • Hannah Miller (Kingston University)
  • Michele Grigolo (Nottingham Trent University) 
  • Alice Nash (York University) 



Michele, Damien, Hannah, Michele and Alice all have research expertise and interests in the sociology of rights, with varying areas of specialisms.  To find out more about the Convenors, please see the Convenors' page.



Study Group Membership

Since 2007 the group has continued to expand, particularly following the Law, Crime and Rights Stream held at the 2011 BSA Annual Conference at the LSE.  Membership is drawn from around the world and includes academics at various stages of their careers and academics working within the field of human rights and right related practice.   A list of the existing membership (alongside professional affiliations, research interests and embedded external research pages) can be found on the  group's membership page.


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Study Group Convenors

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About the BSA

Founded in 1951, the British Sociological Association is the national subject association for sociologists in the UK and its primary objective is to promote sociology.      


Members of the Association are drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and include researchers, teachers, students and practitioners in a variety of fields. The Association represents UK sociology on key bodies both nationally and internationally and works closely with allied organisations to influence policies affecting sociology within the wider social sciences remit. Through its publications, research groups and busy calendar of events, the BSA provides a network of communication to all who are concerned with the promotion and use of sociology and sociological research.


The BSA currently operates a network of more than 40 varied study groups, each focusing on a specific area of interest within sociology. This study group operates as one such group.  The group is consequently supported by the BSA, whilst also adhering to the BSA's formal terms of reference. 




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