

Page history last edited by Hannah Miller 8 years, 11 months ago

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Sociology of Rights Study Group
Welcome to the BSA Sociology of Rights Study Group wiki-website


We aim to promote the study of sociology and rights online and through conferences, workshops and publications. Our membership is drawn from academics and activists from around the world, working on a broad spectrum of human rights and rights related issues.  We seek to provide a network of communication to all who are concerned with the promotion and use of sociology and sociological research in the study of rights and human rights.

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Study Group News



The study group has developed four leading publications focused on the sociology of rights.  The first was published as a Special Issue for the International Journal of Human Rights (2010).  The Special Issue was later published as an edited book, Sociology and Human Rights: New Engagements (paperback edition released September 2012).  The third is the Special Issue on the 'Sociology of Human Rights', published in Sociology (November 2012).   The Co-convenors have also edited a further publication in the International Journal of Human Rights (December 2012)


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The group has also organised a number of events, conference streams and workshops – each with the aim of building a network of communication to all who are concerned with the promotion and use of sociology and sociological research in the study of rights.  We also currently have a small budget available to support member's plans for future events & activities.


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Launch Event: Special Issue of Sociology, on the Sociology of Rights

On Friday 2nd November 2012 the Study Group launched the Special of Sociology, on the Sociology of Human Rights. The Special Issue was edited by the Co-Convenors of the Study Group, and features seminal articles for this field of studies.  The event's programme included three key paper presentations, plenary discussions and a reception.


The event was co-hosted with the Human Rights Consortium, at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies.  





Study Group Event - BSA Culture of Human Rights Workshop

On Monday 15 July, 2015 the study group held a Culture of Human Rights workshop at Leeds Beckett University.  Prof Kate Nash provided the key note speech.  Key debates were later held concerning the sociology of rights, and its futures.  A lively 'Protest Song World Cup' was also led by Pete Finn in the afternoon.  For further information contact the organisers, r.redhead@leedsbeckett.ac.uk, or h.miller@kingston.ac.uk



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About the group

Research & Publications

Events & Activities


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How to Edit the Wiki 




The group is a study group of the British Sociological Association (BSA). The BSA provides a network of communication to all who are concerned with the promotion and use of sociology and sociological research.


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Interested in Joining the Study Group?

If you would like to know more about the group and even become a member, we would really like to hear from you!








BSA Annual Conference 2016

The Study Group will be co-hosting its sixth stream at the BSA's annual conference.  Call for papers were issued earlier in 2015.  






About this Wiki-Website

The aim of this wiki-website is to provide an online presence for the study group.  The site is built as a collaborative platform where members can develop and advance the group’s network of communication.  Study group members can have access to the editing functions of this site, and can accordingly contribute to its content and development.  At a broader level we also hope that the site will serve to provide a central resource for a wider community of researchers, activists and practitioners (irrelevant of study group membership).  With the latter in mind, we warmly welcome comments from non-members (and members), concerning the content and layout of the site.  Comments can either be posted via the dialogue boxes at the end of each page, or emailed to sociologyofrights@yahoo.com


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Twitter Feeds


Profile: the study group's twitter feed 


Search term: "sociology of rights"  


 Search term: "BSA conference"   



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